Monday, April 8, 2013

It's been a while....

Welcome to my wee corner of the world. I was glad to get off the social media circle but I do miss reading articles and posts from friends and causes dear to me.

I may never be a regular blogger but I'll do my best ;D

Much love

Lotta x

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Making Time

Something that has occupied my thoughts of late is my allocation of time. 
I always feel like I am running short of time, that time constantly eludes me, that it is something I have to chase. Perhaps what I need to do is stop filling up my daily schedule and instead book up blocks of time to just BE.

I am into my 27th week of pregnancy. If truth be known, I haven't managed stress or time that well. I have allowed things to get at me, to dismantle my barriers and leave me open to attack. I allowed this.
I have an opportunity right here right now to stop and reclaim my time.
And yet I hesitate.

I have come to realise, much like watching the sun rise, that I tend to melancholia. I dislike this realisation and I am determined to change it. I feel as though my face is set in that morose look, you know the one where you realise that those lines will one day be a testimonial to all how you faced your life?
Not a good face to be remembered for.

So..... how will I do this?

I have printed out a weekly schedule and jotted down the imperatives of school, work and regular appointments. I have also scheduled in time to relax - half hourly blocks where I may nap, read a book, take a walk or just enjoy the solitude.

I have made a commitment to turning my mobile phone off every night, and on silent throughout the day. I have also begun leaving it at home when I head out for coffee, dinner or to the shops. It irks me to see people constantly on their phone, checking emails, messages, sending messages..... I am concerned I have forgotten how to enjoy the voids that we encounter in queues, at traffic lights, in waiting rooms.... perfect opportunities to allow the mind to rest.

I am already exercising and feeding my body well, I need to ensure that I add some more vegetables and water to my diet. Similarly I have a solid sleep routine which I could improve with a better posture pillow.

Small things really, but the decision to commit to them have already bought me some relief.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mothering Sunday

Yesterday was Mother's Day.

Historically, it is believed to be a Christian festival which fell on the 4th Sunday of Lent. There are also Roman origins but the direct relation is somewhat unclear. Revived in the earlier parts of last century Mothering Sunday (or Mother's Day) as we know it here has become somewhat commercialised, and much of the meaning seems to be lost under the wrapping paper, floral arrangements and synthetic-loving.

I still find much meaning in the celebration of Mother's Day. Not just for mums, but those wise wise women who mentor, support, nurture and guide us along our paths. In fact, I should actually include men here too - as I know of many men who play the role of mother and father in their households. Not all the women I mention here are biological mothers, some of their own choice, others by decision made beyond them. Yet they all deserve recognition for their love and compassion of others.

To all the wonderful women who have played a part in my being here as I am.
I love you dearly.

Monday, May 2, 2011


I couldn't remain away for too long. 
Too many untold stories whirling about within.
Look forward to sharing ....

xxx Lotta